The other day, I've decided that whining is boring and that I should come up with a list of reasons to support the claim that "living in France is better (or at least equally good) as living in Poland".
The idea was to find personal reasons. For example, the fact that abortion is legal in France is a plus for this country, but it has nothing to do with my at that point of my life. The fact that the state helps financially when one has children also has no direct impact on me. I wanted a reason for myself.
"There is cheese" - said a friend. Yes, but I can buy cheese in Poland too.
"Contraception is refunded". Yes, all of it, except the kind I take.
I really tried. I did. And it's been a week and nothing comes to mind. I think I came up with something last night before falling asleep, but now I don't remember what it was.
Tomorrow I fly to Poland for a conference, maybe when I'm back there I will have an epiphany. Seriously, I need at least one thing.
However, if you want me to list things that piss me off about France, I will have no problem giving it to you straight away.
Ja czekam na listę. A może pogoda lepsza? Miasto ładniejsze? Życie bardziej kolorowe? Coś musi być:)